Volunteer Co-ordinator – Covid Chats at BHA for Equality

BHA for Equality is a leading health equality charity that challenges health inequalities and supports individuals, families and communities to improve their health and well-being. BHA for Equality offer a range of unique services delivered at local, regional and national level in the areas of health promotion/support, community health education and engaging and involving communities in health and social care decision making.

In conjunction with CAHN (Caribbean and African Health Network) BHA for Equality are recruiting for Volunteer Co-ordinators to support a new programme, across Manchester, to address disparities relating to Covid-19 amongst African and Caribbean communities. 

BHA for Equality are seeking individuals with lived experience of African/Caribbean communities; experience of managing staff/volunteers and delivery of community engagement interventions. 

Contract: Until 31 March 2022

Basic Disclosure and Barring Service will be conducted on the successful applicant.

If you would like to discuss this role, email Aydin Djemal at: [email protected] to arrange an informal telephone discussion.

For an application pack click here or contact 0330 128 1186 or email: [email protected]

35 hours per week
NJC SP 16-18: £24,012 - £24,491 per annum
Manchester – Initially working remotely from home
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