Matchmaking businesses who care with amazing local charities

a good thingA Good Thing ( makes it super easy for businesses to donate surplus equipment, products and space to local charities. For a more sustainable world where good things happen.

How does it work?
A business has something spare… Anything from a used laptop or some office furniture to a spare meeting room or surplus products.

A local charity has a need… They have the ideas and dedication, but need the resources to make it happen.

A Good Thing make the match. All using a simple matchmaking app.
It’s as easy as booking a room on Airbnb: a business makes an offer, local charities make a request, and a match is made.

If you’re a business, the app makes it so easy to offer items to local charities. Simply sign up and post your items. Once posted, your items will be offered to charities in your area, who can then make a request for the items. You get to choose which charity to donate the items and A Good Thing will put you in touch. The charity then normally collects the items. For more information, read the full guide for businesses

If you’re a charity, sign up to receive notifications about items on offer in your local area, or browse the items on offer right now. If you see something you need, simply use the app to make a request with a short note about why you need it. If the business selects your charity, A Good Thing will put you in touch and you can arrange collection. For more information, read the full guide for charities

Go to now, and sign up

It takes literally a few seconds to sign up, and is completely free.

Spread the word among family, friends, neighbours and colleagues, too: do you know anyone who works for a local business that might have items to give away? Do you know of local charities who would love to be eligible to receive great donations?