Proud 2 b Parents

Where do they work?: City-Wide, Greater Manchester, North West, UK Wide
Telephone: 0784 391 3001
Registered charity number: 0
Company number: 8682786
Other registration number: 8682786
Description: Proud 2 b Parents exist to improve the health and wellbeing of LGBT+ parents/carers and their children, whilst reducing health inequalities. We do this by providing effective social and support services, whilst championing social change and advocating for the community's needs locally and nationally.

Our goals
Improved health and well-being
Improved social connectedness
Safer and more equal communities
Improved service provision by other agencies
Improved policy-making by other agencies
Services delivered: Proud 2 b Parents runs a variety of services to meet the needs of the community, these include, Parent to be discussions groups, mid- week meet ups, monthly get togethers, parent support sessions, a youth group for children 8 years plus, as well as a variety of other engagement activities. We also produce training and guides to support either families and/or professionals
Services are available: Face to face, Online/digitally, By telephone
Services are delivered on: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Monday opening time: 9am - 5pm
Tuesday opening time: 9am - 5pm
Wednesday opening time: 9am - 5pm
Thursday opening time: 9am - 7pm
Friday opening time: 9am - 5pm
Languages available: English
Winter services are available: Face to face, Online/digitally, By telephone
Cash donations: You can make a donation to us here:
Non-cash donations: You can make a donation to use here: