Women's Community Service Manchester
Where do they work?: Hulme, City-Wide
Telephone: 0161 832 6544
Address: Unit 3, Cornbrook Enterprise Centre
70 Quenby Street
M15 4HW
Description: Working with Women affected by the criminal justice system, the project aims to help women to develop life skills, knowledge and self confidence by addressing issues such as domestic abuse, substance use, unemployment, parenting problems, health problems, debt and housing issues.
Support will be provided through 1:1 sessions, group work and peer support.
The service has a free drop in session between 12and 3 every Monday in which service users can access support.
Women will exit the service with increased life skills, self esteem, employability, social inclusion and decreased reoffending.
Referral Critera: Women aged 18 + who have had contact with the Criminal Justice System who have support needs in relation to: housing, substance use, finance benefit or debt, employment education or training,, domestic violence, parenting, mental health, physical health, offending behaviour.
Women can self-refer by contacting the above number or attending the free drop in session at the Sidney Street Café, Sidney Street Manchester.
Referrals can be made by other agencies upon completion of a referral form.
Support will be provided through 1:1 sessions, group work and peer support.
The service has a free drop in session between 12and 3 every Monday in which service users can access support.
Women will exit the service with increased life skills, self esteem, employability, social inclusion and decreased reoffending.
Referral Critera: Women aged 18 + who have had contact with the Criminal Justice System who have support needs in relation to: housing, substance use, finance benefit or debt, employment education or training,, domestic violence, parenting, mental health, physical health, offending behaviour.
Women can self-refer by contacting the above number or attending the free drop in session at the Sidney Street Café, Sidney Street Manchester.
Referrals can be made by other agencies upon completion of a referral form.