Grace Incorporation Faith Trust (GIFT)

Where do they work?: Moss Side, Rusholme, Fallowfield
Telephone: 0161 759 9918
Address: 1 Mabfield Road Manchester Manchester M14 6LP
Registered charity number: 1121461
Company number: 4975683
Description: Grace Incorporation Faith Trust (GIFT) specialises in offering educational and training services to all sections of the community. GIFT aims to provide professional services for adults, families, and young people, who may be without the financial means to find such quality advice for themselves. Our projects are mainly run from our Manchester office offering Mentoring, Supplementary School Service, Family Mediation, and Personal Development Training to help clients/service users to reach their full potential in education, employment, and training.
Services delivered: GIFT Academy Supplementary School
The Learning Support and Mentoring project aims to work towards the social inclusion of young people through the provision of education and training. This project offers out of school provision for young people aged 8 to 15 years and aged 16 to 19 years. The activities consist of study skills to assist children with homework and examination preparation to reinforce foundation skills needed to access the core curriculum.

The sessions also consist of personal development workshops to elevate people to reach for their goals and achieve them. The aim of the mentoring programme is to provide a positive role model for young people to aspire too. Local people have access to culturally sensitive mentoring service. Approximately 50 – 60 young people attend the project each week, and receive support in increasing their confidence, self-esteem and personal aspirations.

GIFT Volunteers Mentors Training Programme
We have an ongoing recruitment for volunteers who are willing to provide support to young people who are experiencing disadvantage in developing their education and career aspirations. GIFT currently has Mentors drawn from the local community with a diverse range of backgrounds who can relate and respond to local needs. They have a range of knowledge within the employment sector, in teaching, construction, social work, sport and arts.

Youth 2 BEET (Business Enterprise, Employment and Training)
This project provides an opportunity for young people to participate in weekly workshops which consist of the following themes.
How to use your life skills/experience to achieve your goals
How to overcome peer pressure and stay focused
How to overcome barriers that prevent young people from achieving their goals
How to deal with past disappointment/frustrations
Peer Mentoring
The project has given young people the opportunity to develop their interpersonal skills, increase their confidence and self-esteem and become more proactive in the community.

Community Mentoring and Mediation Service
This provides an integrated community mentoring and mediation service aimed at helping young people and their families to resolve conflict within the home and school to address issues that inhibit the family from functioning as a whole. The project trains up volunteers to become community mediators or mentors to use restorative justice approaches within the home, school and community. This has enabled us to establish a localised support service for young people in community setting, helping to promote and offer equality of opportunity.

GIFT Youth Forum/Youth Work
This project enables young people to be proactively involved in developing activities that will divert them from off the streets and minimise or stop anti-social behaviour such as teenage pregnancies and assist them in moving away from crime that is affecting our community. We aim to target 11 – 15 years and 16 – 19 age groups. The activities involve developing their skills for adulthood by helping them to be responsible for their own lives and others. The project provides a one stop youth services that will encapsulate and promote i) Mental and physical health. ii) Education. iii) Family sessions and Youth counselling.

GIFT has established a close working relationship with Schools, Connexions, Youth, Community and Voluntary Agencies citywide, raising awareness about our services and developing working partnerships for referrals and signposting.

Services are available: Face to face, Online/digitally, By telephone
Services are delivered on: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Monday opening time: 10am - 4pm
Tuesday opening time: 10am - 4pm
Wednesday opening time: 10am - 4pm
Thursday opening time: 10am - 4pm
Friday opening time: 10am - 4pm
Languages available: English
Cash donations: You can make a domation to us here: