Ancoats Visual Arts
Email: [email protected]
Where do they work?: Ancoats and Beswick, Greater Manchester
Address: Pollard Street
M4 7JA
Registered charity number: 0
Description: If you are looking for a friendly, supportive art group then Ancoats Visual Arts is for you. Based in Ancoats, we encourage everyone who lives in Greater Manchester to join our group. Ancoats Visual Arts is a self-led art group run by member-volunteers for the benefit of members. Our aim is to encourage local people to get involved in drawing, painting, mixed-media and crafts while supporting each other in developing creativity and skills. Everyone, no matter their arts experience or skills level is welcome to join. The group gets involved in local projects that matter to them and work on a variety of different creative visual arts projects. The group is hosted and supported by Creative Art Courses at Hope Mill, Pollard Street.
Services are available: Face to face
Services are delivered on: Wednesday
Wednesday opening time: 12-3pm
Languages available: English
Office space/venues/rooms available for hire / rent: The art studio is available for hire by other groups. Details can be found here:
Cash donations: There is a small fee for attending the Wednesday studio sessions, payable online when members book via the website. Pre-booking your place is essential.