Beat Bazaar Projects Ltd
Where do they work?: City-Wide
Telephone: 0781 210 7134
Registered charity number: 0
Description: Beat Bazaar is a not for profit music and cultural organisation, which uses music, arts and creativity as tools to connect, inspire and empower people.
Services delivered: Our projects aim to focus on music education, creative and cultural learning, and
vocational education in the creative industries, intergenerational learning, leading to
transferable skills, improved employability, leadership skills, entrepreneurial skills and
social skills. Innovation and creative collaboration through high quality cultural and
music education is at the heart of Beat Bazaar. Our ethos is to develop and nurture
participants from highly diverse backgrounds, whilst providing a solid platform for music,
creativity and expression to grow.
vocational education in the creative industries, intergenerational learning, leading to
transferable skills, improved employability, leadership skills, entrepreneurial skills and
social skills. Innovation and creative collaboration through high quality cultural and
music education is at the heart of Beat Bazaar. Our ethos is to develop and nurture
participants from highly diverse backgrounds, whilst providing a solid platform for music,
creativity and expression to grow.