Volition Community

Where do they work?: Greater Manchester
Registered charity number: 1160268
Description: We identify volunteer roles for unemployed people in partnership with Jobcentre Plus. At the same time we bring a sharp focus to their employability and skills needs, and create a structured pathway to support them back to work. Crucially, we engage employers as partners.
Services delivered: Employment and training.
Services are available: Face to face
Services are delivered on: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Monday opening time: 9am
Tuesday opening time: 9am
Wednesday opening time: 9am
Thursday opening time: 9am
Friday opening time: 9am
Languages available: Primarily English, however we are a diverse group.
Special activities running over winter: Apart from our weekly training sessions and volunteering activities. We have art, beehive frame making, offsite visits, offsite training sessions, and photography.
Winter services are available: Face to face

Volunteering Opportunities

Opportunity title Summary
Cenotaph Steward In conjunction with Manchester City Council, Manchester Cathedral and Central Library, we are starting an exciting new project based at the Cenotaph War Memorial in St Peter's Square. The Cenotaph Project is designed to create a new civic space in the heart of the city. We want to share the history of The Cenotaph with locals and visitors alike and encourage a community atmosphere in St Peters Square.