The Circus House

Where do they work?: Longsight
Telephone: 0742 894 7432
Address: Unit 40 Longsight Business Park Hamilton Road Manchester M13 0PD
Registered charity number: 0
Company number: 07650343
Other registration number: 07650343
Description: The Circus House aims to make the opportunity to participate in the healthy and creative activities which make up circus to as wide a range of people as possible. We run workshops, classes and projects which involve wide range of people in learning and perfoming circus skills.
Services delivered: Circus workshops and training programmes as well as performances.
Services are available: Face to face
Services are delivered on: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
Monday opening time: 4.30pm
Tuesday opening time: 4.30pm
Wednesday opening time: 4.30pm
Thursday opening time: 4.30pm
Friday opening time: 4.30pm
Languages available: English, French, Spanish, Ethiopian (Amharic), Vietnamese
Office space/venues/rooms available for hire / rent: We have a large training space that can be hired. It is equipped with a wide variety of specialist circus equipment.
Cash donations: You make a donation via this page on our website