Parental Engagement Network

Where do they work?: Chorlton, City-Wide
Telephone: 0161 860 5039
Registered charity number: 0
Description: Parental Engagement Network is a not-for-profit social enterprise helping schools and settings develop their parental and community engagement.
Services delivered: PEN provides training, information, resources, research, projects, consultancy and support to enable staff and governors from schools and early years settings to
o better engage parents and families in their children’s learning and healthy development
o develop parental and community involvement
o improve schools’ and settings’ practice in working with parents
o better record and evaluate this work
o facilitate support, and structures to enable mediation, early intervention and signposting to other agencies for parents and families
PEN also works with other agencies to provide information, training and resources for parents to enable them to:
o Support their child’s learning and healthy development and develop their parenting skills
o Run effective groups and associations and get peer support
o Develop their own skills and access opportunities
o Ensure parents’ voices are heard and they are supported (for instance through mediation)
o Get involved in schools and settings
o Work as equal partners in governance and accountable structures
o Access support and be signposted to appropriate agencies