Voluntary Sector North West (VSNW)

Where do they work?: North West, Ardwick
Telephone: 0161 276 9300
Address: Macc, 3rd Floor, Swan Buildings 20 Swan Street Manchester M4 5JW
Registered charity number: 1081654
Company number: 3988903
Description: VSNW is the regional voluntary sector network for the North West. Our purpose is to support a connected and influential voluntary and community sector
Services delivered: Representation, influencing, capacity building

Volunteering Opportunities

Opportunity title Summary
Treasurer <p>We are a small charity looking for a Treasurer to help us to support the sector in the NW. Can you help? As treasurer your key responsibility is to&nbsp;ensure sound financial management of VSNW. You would: Oversee the financial affairs of the organisation and ensure they are legal, constitutional and within accepted accounting practice. Ensure proper records are kept and that effective financial procedures are in place. Monitor and report on the financial health of the organisation. Work with the Trustee Board&rsquo;s Resources Group in order to oversee the production of necessary financial.</p>