Sierra Leone Organisation of Greater Manchester

Where do they work?: City-Wide, Piccadilly
Telephone: 07427512667
Registered charity number: 0
Description: We are an organisation which is thriving to help the community reach services and provide information with relation to social integration and diversity.
Services delivered: The organisation has been holding fund raising social events to bring Sierra Leoneans together, and by doing this it is helping for our community to unite, progress, and educate and integrate within the community of Greater Manchester.
We are presently organising a fund raising event for the recent mudslide and flooding in Sierra Leone, to support victims and their families.
We also give advise to the Sierra Leonean community within Greater Manchester. For eg welcoming new Sierra Leonean migrants migrants from other parts of the world who have moved to settle in Greater Manchester, and also working with other communities in order to integrate and support each other.