Halo, brightening communities

Where do they work?: City-Wide
Registered charity number: 0
Description: Halo is a grass roots organisation grown out of a need to offer safe and welcoming spaces for human beings of different races, religions, cultures, ages, sexual orientations and social classes to meet, learn and share a fun, positive and uplifting experience together.

Our aim is to provide opportunities for unity, sharing common values, whilst celebrating diversity through the delivery of creative workshops, events (using traditional arts), and meditation, empowering individuals to improve on their physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

Our belief in unity, peace and well being also reaches out into our relationship, not only with other human beings, but also with the world and environment around us. We realise and connect with the overwhelming need to work together with people of all cultures, ages and backgrounds to care for and nurture our beautiful planet.

It is our strong belief and foundation to promote a balanced relationship between mind, body and soul benefitting individuals, society and the earth its self.

Halo’s mission is to promote Peace Love, and Unity within ONE Community.
Services delivered: Our vision is to see human beings of all cultures, races and faiths being given spaces and oppurtunities to get to know one another and find their common ground and similarities through shared positive experiences. We offer workshops, courses and classes which encourage compassion, kindness and mercy in the human heart. All our gatherings promote Peace and Unity and are designed to uplift and nourish the human spirit.
We value people from all backgrounds and orientations and we make each individual feel welcome and appreciated.
We celebrate the traditional arts and crafts of all cultures and promote learning about each other through the medium of art to encourage respect and understanding. We love and celebrate the diversity of different cultures, we seek to find the common thread, the unity of the human family running through all cultures .
We passionately care about the beautiful planet we live on and we provide a link between up to date modern scientific data and theories and the ancient knowledge and wisdom passed down to us from the worlds religions and the native and aborigional peoples of the world.
Providing oppurtunities for families to spend time together and enjoy a positive, fun experience, we believe this is vital in building secure and stable communities. It is very important that we include and encourage the extended family members so that the elderly aswell as the young have a chance to spend quality time together.
We believe in inter faith as well as inter culture. Now is the time to encourage open minded, open hearted people from all faiths to sit together with a vision of a future world Peace and Unity. We have more in common than we realise and we provide gatherings that build on these similarities and offer oppurtunities for people from all faith communities to work together on positive community cohesion projects that promote peace, understanding, respect and unity.