A Spectrum Of Possibilities

Where do they work?: City-Wide
Registered charity number: 0
Description: We aim to improve the education and mental health of autistic children who to mainstream schools through free training, advice and support.
Services delivered: Starting in September:
Free training courses for schools with a focus on sensory integration, including recommendations and low cost support strategies for each individual autsitic child they support

A peer awareness autism programme, which will be created in co-ordination with the parents and children at each school, focusing on the social view of autism with the aim of reducing bullying in schools

Development of autism specialist football clubs, as well as guidance and training for football coaches in order to make their clubs more inclusive

Social clubs for autistic children based on special interests including computing and gaming

Career development workshops for autistic children and young people - particularly focusing on IT and Computing

Drop in sessions for parents to talk about issues from experts, including problems with the EHCP process, sleep and sensory integration

Free courses from external providers for parents and professionals

Therapeutic play opportunities and other groups that aim to improve the mental health of autistic children, including Lego Therapy