Suicide Bereavement UK

Where do they work?: City-Wide
Telephone: 0785 071 0555
Registered charity number: 10353185
Company number: 10027553
Description: Suicide Bereavement UK specialises in:
Suicide bereavement research
Consultancy in postvention (care of those bereaved by suicide)
Development and delivery of evidence-based suicide bereavement training
Hosting an annual international conference on suicide bereavement
Our team members are recognised leaders in suicide bereavement and have considerable experience working in this field.
Services delivered: Research into Suicide Bereavement and the effects it has on all affected
Services are available: Face to face, Online/digitally
Services are delivered on: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Monday opening time: 8am - 4pm
Tuesday opening time: 8am - 4pm
Wednesday opening time: 8am - 4pm
Thursday opening time: 8am - 4pm
Friday opening time: 8am - 4pm
Languages available: English
Cash donations: Contact Paul Higham on 0785 071 0555 to make a donation.