Projekts MCR
Where do they work?: City-Wide
Telephone: 01612760951
Address: 97
London Road
M1 2PG
Registered charity number: 0
Description: Projekts MCR is not-for-profit Community Benefit Society. Our mission is to develop communities through skateboarding, improving access to underrepresented groups and promoting well-being through physical activity and education, especially for people living in areas of high deprivation, girls and women and people with disabilities. We do this primarily through our coaching work in schools and at our skatepark.
Services delivered: Skateboard coaching, Business and Enterprise through Skate education programmes for young people not in mainstream education, schools coaching, women's development work with a focus on helping young women at risk of mental health problems engage with physical activity, leadership and well-being programmes, home-schooling sessions, disability skate sessions (re-starting September 2019), holiday clubs. Also planned to begin in September - breakfast and afterschool clubs, benefits and job club, education and training programmes for local people.