Serenity Wellbeing Services CIC

Where do they work?: City-Wide
Telephone: 07710571922
Registered charity number: 0
Description: At Serenity Wellbeing Services, we recognise that good mental health and wellbeing are an integral part of every persons’ life and that everyday physical activities can improve our mental health, wellbeing, levels of happiness and life satisfaction.

We would like to offer service users the opportunity to train and become more active in their daily lives by using the personal experiences we have gained in how exercise can help decrease the effects of mental health symptoms and improve daily lives.

As can be seen from the MCRACTIVE ‘Greater Sports Pilot Plan’ 23.8% (103,600 people) of Greater Manchester’s population are inactive, (participating in les than 30 Minutes exercise per week) with the highest inactivity levels in the far south and north east of the city, inactivity levels in these areas is between 32.5% - 41.1%. It can also be seen that in these areas are also in the high risk categories of developing CVD (cardiovascular disease) over the next 10 years.

We therefore think that our service users would benefit greatly by reducing levels of inactivity, improving mental health, improving general health and also promoting community inclusion.

It is our aim to work with people at all stages of their recovery journey. We would be more than happy to work with anyone who does not feel ready to leave their home, we could attend a class such as yoga, swimming or even go for a walk round in their local park/community.

Other similar programmes within the Manchester area may only see clients for 12 weeks and then they are discharged and expected to join a gym on their own with no support which can put people off and they go back to their old ways.

This is why we would like to offer a minimum of 6 months’ support, with the chance to complete a further 6 months if needed; to slowly help people integrate back into the community whilst improving their all round health and outlook on life.

We want to encourage people to do things in their own time rather than feel pushed to do things in a certain time frame as this can be detrimental to their recovery journey.

As well as our ‘Exercise for Mind & Body’ programme, we would also like to offer relaxation technique sessions, both group and one to one, and we hope to launch our ‘Music for The Mind’ programme in the near future.

We have recently started working alongside Emerging Futures CIC based in Manchester, we will be attending their user groups on a weekly basis, providing an exercise class, advice on becoming active and nutrition guidance on a voluntary basis.

We have also secured a discounted gym membership and daily session fee at a local gym for their service users and anyone else in the local community with mental health conditions that would like to become more active and needs ongoing support during their recovery, we have done this so we can begin helping people straight away whilst we have no funding in place to offer our free service.

Ideally, we would like to be able to offer our services free of charge, as we feel that it is important that everyone should have the opportunity to receive the same support, especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds. We feel that if we were to charge for our services that some may not be able to participate for monetary reasons, as we all know how hard things are for us all at the moment financially.

Our ‘Exercise for Mind & Body Scheme’ is based at Proper Gym, Ancoats.

Service users will receive a 26-week gym membership with a weekly one to one support session with a qualified personal trainer for 18 weeks to ensure service user is fully confident in the gym.

During the final 8 weeks of the programme service users can either access support from one of our volunteer ‘fitness buddies’ based in the gym or even train with us to become a ‘fitness buddy’ themselves, to assist the co-ordinator with the running of the future sessions and provide support & guidance to new service users.

As the volunteers will be from the local areas they will also have a rapport with others in their community and be able to discuss issues they face in their daily lives, therefore actively encouraging new participants from their local areas and beyond.

We believe this programme will bring people together, helping to create a positive mind set amongst the service users attending, increasing general health and fitness, whilst decreasing some of the symptoms of mental health conditions.

To access or services we would ask that service users are referred to us via GP, Community Mental Health & Early Intervention Teams or other Support Services.
We will also accept self referrals where contact can be made with the above teams to ensure that we are working with the people that need our services the most.

We have written support from Councillor Mary Monaghan and also Emerging Futures CIC, for our planned programmes, we would appreciate any further support or feedback offered.

If you require any further information on Serenity Wellbeing Services or would like to give us your support or feedback, please contact [email protected]
Services delivered: Physical activities for people with mental health conditions