Relax With Lucy & Co CIC
Where do they work?: Greater Manchester
Telephone: 0781 239 4056
Registered charity number: 0
Company number: 12369343
Description: To support the baby loss community through wellness interventions.
Services delivered: Lucy and our team of instructors deliver projects to help support the baby loss community through the development of mindfulness & relaxation resources. We offer both well-being baby loss tailored support in addition to general well-being support to help people improve their overall sense of wellbeing.
Services are available: Face to face, Online/digitally
Services are delivered on: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Monday opening time: 9am - 3pm
Tuesday opening time: 9am - 3pm
Wednesday opening time: 9am - 3pm
Thursday opening time: 9am - 3pm
Friday opening time: 9am - 3pm
Languages available: English