B Bonqueen CIC

Where do they work?: Greater Manchester
Telephone: 0742 476 2267
Registered charity number: 0
Company number: 12873222
Description: We support community and National people with Sickle cell, families, refugees and new comers to integrate the British system.
Services delivered: The B Bonqueen CIC provide extra support to the families in need they will encouraging to go online as now we are living a digital world where people will be developing a friendship, where families will be encouraging to meet via social media, improve places and spaces that matter, to contribute and participate in all aspects of British life. To recognise their civic responsibilities and obligations based on a set of share values which promote peacefull and respectful coexistence.
Improve tolerence, delivering through partners and networks, improve national pride and modern British values.
Services are available: Face to face, Online/digitally, By telephone
Services are delivered on: Tuesday, Friday
Tuesday opening time: 10am
Friday opening time: 10am
Languages available: English, French, Swahili, Lingala
Winter services are available: Face to face, Online/digitally, By telephone