Theatre of the Senses CIC
Where do they work?: Greater Manchester
Registered charity number: 0
Company number: 12201647
Description: Increasing resilience of residents through digital, financial and social inclusion
Services delivered: Our activities to include other kinds of creative and health-related workshops, together with winter resilience and emergency food projects, and, more recently, the running of a café. Because of COVID-19 we have substantially built up our online support community and have made use of new technologies to deliver our workshops.
Services are available: Face to face, Online/digitally
Services are delivered on: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Monday opening time: 9.30am - 5pm
Tuesday opening time: 9.30am - 5pm
Wednesday opening time: 9.30am - 5pm
Thursday opening time: 9.30am - 5pm
Friday opening time: 9.30am - 5pm
Languages available: English
Winter services are available: Face to face