Make Lunch South Manchester

Where do they work?: Burnage
Telephone: 07713972288
Registered charity number: 0
Company number: 0
Other registration number: 0
Description: We provide food and activities for families at risk of hunger during the school holidays; children who would normally have a free school meal during term time, but not in the holidays.

We communicate with local schools and ask them to signpost families they know who are struggling to provide food and or activities for their children in the holidays, due to financial constraints. They attend out Make Lunch project twice a week during the holiday period.
Services delivered: Food, activities for children, signposting parents to stakeholders providing financial advice and support
Services are available: Face to face
Services are delivered on: Thursday, Friday
Thursday opening time: 10.30am - 1pm
Friday opening time: 10.30am - 1pm
Languages available: English, Urdu, Polish
Special activities running over winter: October half term Make Lunch days, Christmas party, food parcels, February half term Make Lunch days.
Winter services are available: Face to face