Younger Generation Can

Where do they work?: Greater Manchester
Telephone: 0790 455 5171
Registered charity number: 0
Company number: 13461169
Description: This project is based on early intervention principles, working with care experienced young people. If we can encourage young people to explore their attitudes, motivation and desire to achieve academically at a younger age, then young people are more likely to reach their full potential. This approach is based upon the cognitive dissonance paradigm, which considers individual complexities associated with living in the 'real' world and takes into account the knowledge base of young people, peer pressure, self-esteem and lots of other variables that are inter-dependant and which ultimately impact on decision making processes. This early intervention model will build upon expectation and aspiration, challenging mis-informed ideals and helping young people to form realistic and achievable goals for the future. A long-term investment project that has measurable outcomes to evidence impact throughout the key stages (teacher assessments, SATs)
Services delivered: Targeted youth sessions and online mentoring
Services are available: Face to face, Online/digitally, By telephone
Services are delivered on: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Languages available: English
Special activities running over winter: Targeted youth work and online mentoring
Winter services are available: Face to face, Online/digitally, By telephone
Cash donations: Cash donations can be made by contacting the Director directly: [email protected]