Manchester City Council - Homelessness
Email: [email protected]
Where do they work?: Ancoats and Beswick
Address: Woodward Court
Woodward Street
M4 7JP
Description: Woodward Court is temporary accommodation for all adult homeless households who have presented as homeless to Manchester City Council with low-medium support needs. Includes mixed and same sex couples, groups, and those with multiple needs.
Residents are encouraged to engage in activities, including coffee mornings, art, creative writing, a sewing group and movie club.
Residents are encouraged to engage in activities, including coffee mornings, art, creative writing, a sewing group and movie club.
Services are available: Face to face
Services are delivered on: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Monday opening time: 8.30am
Tuesday opening time: 8.30am
Wednesday opening time: 8.30am
Thursday opening time: 8.30am
Friday opening time: 8.30am