The Manchester Methodist Circuit

Where do they work?: City-Wide
Registered charity number: 1135067
Description: Our 17 worshipping communities, across the Manchester City area and beyond, work in very different areas, some affluent, many deprived. We run one foodbank, Befrienders in central Manchester, and are involved in several others, as well as supporting the city council’s homelessness initiatives. Many of our churches run playgroups or nurseries, or carer and toddler groups and Moston Methodist Church host our successful Baby Basket project which provides baby essentials to those in need. We host uniformed organisations and clubs for older children. we are partners in Nexus, a charity supporting spirituality through art. We support chaplaincy in our local universities, hospitals and prisons. We care for the senior generation too, with craft and chat groups and dementia support. We provide space for community groups to meet, hosting everything from slimmers’ groups to Alcoholics Anonymous and IT support groups. We support Methodist charities such as Action for Children and MHA, and we partner with groups such as Christian Aid and the Street Pastors.
Services are available: Face to face, Online/digitally
Services are delivered on: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday
Monday opening time: 9am - 3pm
Tuesday opening time: 9am - 3pm
Wednesday opening time: 9am - 3pm
Thursday opening time: 9am - 3pm
Friday opening time: 9am - 3pm
Languages available: Principally English
Office space/venues/rooms available for hire / rent: We have a number of churches with halls across the city – for further information please contact the circuit administrator [email protected]
Cash donations: In person or by post to Circuit Administrator, The Wesley Centre, Royce Road, Hulme, M15 5BP.
Phone: 0161 226 2702 Email: [email protected]