Business in the Community

Where do they work?: Greater Manchester, Piccadilly
Telephone: 0161 233 7750
Address: Amazon House 2nd Floor 3 Brazil Street Manchester M1 3PJ
Registered charity number: 0
Company number: 4350477
Description: Business in the Community is a national organisation and one of the Prince's Charities. We work with businesses to improve their responsible business practice.
In Greater Manchester we run various programmes including Cares and ProHelp which provide support to community organisations and schools.
The Cares programme provides support in the form of company volunteers to work on practical projects such as painting & decorating and garden makeovers.
The ProHelp programme provides support in the form of professional advice from companies such as architects, surveyors, marketing & PR and legal.

We welcome enquiries from groups in Greater Manchester who feel we may be able to support them.