Choices and Chances Complementary Education Project

Where do they work?: Ancoats and Beswick
Telephone: 0161 231 1114
Address: Manchester Settlement 31, Bosworth Street Beswick Manchester M11 3AP
Description: We are a voluntary sector organisation working with 13-16 year old non-school attendees.
Young people come to us Tuesday-Friday from 9.30-3.00pm and attend a variety of sessions designed to re-engage them and increase life skills and motivation. Sessions include- Maths, English, Photography, Art, IT, Sports, PHSE, Citizenship. Maximum class size is 8 young people with a 1:4 minimum staff to pupil ratio rising to 1:2 depending on the needs of the session. One-one mentoring and support work is included in the programme. We aim to positively re-engage hard to reach young people and help them move forward in their lives.