Quality Living Scheme
Website: http://cicvolunteering.blogspot.com/
Email: [email protected]
Where do they work?: Hulme, Greater Manchester
Telephone: 0161 226 7364
Address: Wesley Enterprise Centre
Royce Road
M15 5BP
Description: <p>The CIC Voluntering Service is a Manchester based volunteer project, its aim is to provide volunteering opportunities to members of the Greater Manchester community.</p>
<p>CICVS is based in Hulme and presently work with 10 housing projects; each project caters for residents with different support needs such as young single mothers, people with alcohol problems, people with mental health or mobility needs, BME communities, disadvantage groups, migrant workers, refugees and asylum seekers. As each project is very different, volunteers will be able to support clients in a variety of ways from offering one to one befriending to organising group activities.</p>
<p>CICVS is based in Hulme and presently work with 10 housing projects; each project caters for residents with different support needs such as young single mothers, people with alcohol problems, people with mental health or mobility needs, BME communities, disadvantage groups, migrant workers, refugees and asylum seekers. As each project is very different, volunteers will be able to support clients in a variety of ways from offering one to one befriending to organising group activities.</p>