RISE Complimentary Education Project
Email: [email protected]
Where do they work?: Ancoats and Beswick
Telephone: 0161 231 1114
Address: Manchester Settlement
31, Bosworth Street
M11 3AP
Description: RISE Complemtary Education Project works with young people attending school on a part-time basis. The project works in partnership with the school and the young person to re-engage the young person in learning. The project aims to increase social inclusion.
Year nine pupils attend the project Monday-Thursday from 9.30-12.00pm. Whereas years 10 and 11 attend 1.00-3.00pm. Sessions include PHSE, Cooking, Art, One-One work and Maths and English support.
Year nine pupils attend the project Monday-Thursday from 9.30-12.00pm. Whereas years 10 and 11 attend 1.00-3.00pm. Sessions include PHSE, Cooking, Art, One-One work and Maths and English support.