A & A Enterpises Limited
Website: http://www.theenterprisecentre.co.uk
Where do they work?: Cheetham, North
Telephone: 0845 388 7701
Description: A & A Enterprises Limited is a not for profit organisation that manages The Enterprise Centre project in Manchester. We can provide you with the most effective management tools that will enhance your business performance. You can benefit from cutting edge management tools and tips to manage your projects, your customers, your staff and yourself. We offer a full range of consultancy and training services which include:
Certificate in Project Management, Certificate in Project planning & implementation, Certificate in Event Planning, Certificate in Customer Service Management, Certificate in Team management and leadership, Certificate in Personal mastery & A full range of consultancy services designed to promote Sustainability and growth.
Certificate in Project Management, Certificate in Project planning & implementation, Certificate in Event Planning, Certificate in Customer Service Management, Certificate in Team management and leadership, Certificate in Personal mastery & A full range of consultancy services designed to promote Sustainability and growth.