Mercy Education Society

Where do they work?: Ardwick
Telephone: 0161 273 1132
Description: MES was established in 2005 as an independent branch of a registered trust by successful businessmen and academics.
The objectives of the MES are stated in its constitution. In pursuit of realising the objectives, the MES has been concentrating on the needs of the community.
The rationale behind this is;
1. The priority is given to the Turkish-speaking community which is an ethnic minority with serious accumulating problems that have not been given sufficient attention; and
2. To strengthen and advance the ties of friendship, brotherhood and love among people in Manchester and surrounding area;
The general aim of MES is the provision of quality modern education in a supportive environment.
More specifically, there are three objectives that should serve the general aim:
- To teach the modern educational curriculum with strong emphasis on quality of the learning experience
- To provide a supportive (but not coercive) environment for the community
- To promote tolerance among ethnic groups.