Afghanistan Crisis Response

In light of the humanitarian and political crisis unfolding in Afghanistan, 10GM extends our solidarity and support to refugees and asylum seekers from all countries, those living in conflict or with threats to their rights and safety.

With people from Afghanistan already arriving in Greater Manchester, voluntary organisations, community groups, and faith organisations in Greater Manchester are delivering vital help and support for people who have been caught up in the crisis and are fleeing persecution. We are particularly mindful of the impact on women and girls, and want to ensure there is safety and support for them in our city-region.

As a joint venture to support the local VCSE sector in Greater Manchester, 10GM is working with our member organisations Action Together, Bolton CVS, Macc and Salford CVS and the wider VCSE sector who are providing direct support to refugees and those with no recourse to public funds. Over the coming days, we will be working with colleagues across the VCSE sector to build a collaborative, supportive response for people arriving in the region. We will share updates as this develops.

Greater Manchester has a proud history of providing sanctuary to those in need and the response from communities has already been overwhelming with donations of clothes, phones and other essentials being organised for newly arrived refugees.

In the meantime, there are a number of practical ways you can help and support those being evacuate from the crisis as well as refugees and asylum seekers from other countries. Below is a list of activity and ways you can help. We will continue to add to this list as we become aware of local initiatives and support – if you are a VCSE organisation or group who is organising support in Greater Manchester and would like the details to be added to this page, please contact [email protected] with the information.

How you can help

Donations of goods: PAUSED
Thank you to everyone who has donated items to the Afghanistan crisis response. All the organisations involved have been overwhelmed by your generosity.

All Care4Calais collection points have now paused and are not accepting donations at this time. This includes the collection point at the Salford CVS office in the Old Town Hall, Eccles. We will reassess this next week and any updates will be posted here.

The Migrant Destitution Fund GM supports migrant people in Greater Manchester who have "no recourse to public funds" – a policy which leaves people unable to meet their basic needs, not supported by the state and not allowed to do paid work to support themselves. People supported by the Fund are mostly asylum seekers and people whose right to remain isn't recognised by the Home Office (e.g. because a relationship breaks down). Many migrants eventually win the right to remain, to work and to access public funds, but it is a long process and in the meantime it traps people in destitution. Others are granted leave to remain but are still denied access to public funds, leaving them without any safety net. The Fund aims to restore dignity and empower people forced into these degrading situations by Home Office policy. (The Fund is administered by 10GM member Macc.) Click here to donate

Care4Calais Manchester is aiming to raise £60,000.00 to fund Afghan Welcome Packs of essential items. The charity’s Manchester teams will work to provide refugees from Afghanistan with new arrival packs so they have clean clothes to change into, proper shoes and basic toiletries. Click here to find out more 

British Red Cross – information about their work, their appeal and the support they offer. Click here to read

Refugee Action – providing support at UK airports as people arrive and seeking donations to support their work. Click here to read

Status Now – an alliance of groups, organisations and individuals calling for indefinite leave to remain for all those fleeing Afghanistan. Includes resources on campaigning. Click here to read