0333 321 3021


Powering Solutions: Fuel poverty and the private rented sector

Date & Time of Event: 
6 August, 2024 - 10:30 to 16:30
Holiday Inn Bolton Centre

National Energy Action is pleased to announce a new one-day conference, Powering Solutions, addressing fuel poverty in the private rented sector.

The private rented sector is home to some of the lowest quality housing across all tenures, with a quarter of households living in fuel poverty. Amid an ongoing cost of living crisis, private renters are particularly vulnerable to high energy prices, with many either ineligible for government funded energy efficiency schemes or lacking authority from landlords to install efficiency measures and low carbon heating systems. While rental costs continue to climb, the risk of fuel poverty remains present for many.  

Powering Solutions will bring together local authorities, landlords, tenant associations and the voluntary and community sector. Through a series of presentations, panel discussions and breakout sessions, attendees will explore the latest policy developments, successful initiatives by local authorities, and the pivotal role landlords play in enhancing energy efficiency.  

The conference promises to be a significant platform for knowledge sharing and partnership building. It aims to inspire a collective commitment to driving meaningful change against fuel poverty in the private rented sector.

Attendance at this event is free but places are limited.

Register here

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