Funding factsheets

Manchester Community Central Factsheets

Factsheet 14: Getting ready for funding – Before you even think of applying for funding, make sure your organisation is ready to receive it

Factsheet 15: Funding sources – The aim of this factsheet is to give an overview of the sources of funding available to voluntary and community groups

Factsheet 16: Making applications – Once you have identified appropriate sources of funding you are ready to begin making applications, this factsheets explains how to make an application for funding

‘3 what’s and a why’ towards developing a funding application – This factsheets aims to help you submit strong applications for funding

Ethical fundraising – how to conduct due diligence on potential donors – A guide for charities when considering whether to accept a donation and how to find the information needed to inform this difficult decision

Completing funding applications – This factsheet produced by Hartshorn and Ward explains what you need to think about when completing funding applications

Unit Cost Database – This Government database brings together more than 600 cost estimates in a single place, covering crime, education and skills, employment and economy, fire, health, housing and social services. If you want to demonstrate the value of what you do to funders or public bodies, this gives you the cost of things like someone attending casualty, going to court, or staying in residential care for a week. You can use this as hard evidence of savings to public funds if you can show that your work can prevent these things happening

Making social value work: a Plain English guide produced by Hall Aitken. This guide is an introduction and it will help you to discuss how social value can work for you. And it will help you identify the support you need to ensure that you are ahead of the game.

VCSEs: A guide to working with government – guide for VCSE organisations on how to bid and win contracts with government

Looking for funding?

Search for Small funds up to 10k

Search for Core funders

Fundraising resources
There are a host of fundraising resources which a charitable organisation can use to harness donations
We have compiled a list covering most of the available options in online fundraising websites, donate now buttons, online shopping apps, Crowdfunding and Gift aid. Each of these fundraising methods give donors different options to donate and make it easy for them to give.
Click here to view our fundraising resources


Social investment

What is social investment?
Good Finance define social investment as: “the use of repayable finance to help an organisation achieve a social purpose. Charities and social enterprise can use repayable finance to help them increase their impact on society, for example by growing their organisation, using it for cash flow, or buying assets like a new building.”

Good Finance factsheet – 7 things to know about social investment

Social Investment explained – The aim of this guide, produced by Social Enterprise UK and the Big Lottery Fund, is to give you an overview of the UK’s social investment market and help you to work out whether and how it’s relevant to your organisation

GM Social Investment
Through GM Social Investment there are different funds available that could be just what you need to develop your organisation. Social investment is not suitable for everyone, and it should be considered alongside other options. It’s important to look at the range of finance options available to your charity or social enterprise before deciding. Social investment may include an element of grant funding but normally it will require repayment on an agreed basis. Current funds available through GM Social Investment:

  • Access to Growth
    Access to Growth offers affordable and accessible social investment aimed at small and very small social enterprises and charities that trade, including new organisations.This blended finance (mixture of grants and loans) is designed for organisations who have the potential to add more value to their local communities and grow their social impact. Access to Growth is looking to invest between £10,000 and £50,000 of flexible, unsecured finance in each suitable applicant, to be repaid over one to five years. There is an arrangement fee of 1%, the interest rate charged is 6.6% flat rate and there are no early repayment penalties. Each investment will combine grants with loans into a simple product to help organisations grow their great ideas. Whether you address social needs, strengthen communities, improve people’s life chances, enhance culture or protect the environment – if your business trades for the common good, this opportunity is for you.
  • Resonance Community Developers Fund
    Resonance Community Developers Fund invests in projects looking to develop community led and owned assets for both affordable/social housing and/or sports facilities in Greater Manchester. The Fund aims to invest in substantial projects, normally in excess of £1 million across Greater Manchester. GMCVO, as the local delivery partner, will provide support and connect community groups with local partners to help deliver the projects. Resonance are an experienced FCA Fund Manager with over 17 years' experience of investing in communities and social enterprises across the UK. Their Fund can provide finance as a project evolves and is available for pre-development feasibility, land acquisition and development finance, to construct homes or sports facilities.

Community Asset Transfer
Community assets are land and buildings that are transferred from public ownership to be owned or managed by community organisations. These assets cover a wide spectrum and include town halls, community centres, sports facilities, affordable housing and libraries, and other public buildings.

Macc can support you to work through whether your organisation is ready to consider taking on a community asset. We will talk through your project and explain what’s involved in a community asset transfer based upon our previous experience. Click here for more information

Community Right to Challenge
The Community Right to Challenge enables communities to challenge to take over local services that they think they can run differently and better. The Right to Challenge could be used to run a wide range of local services.

Are you considering tendering for a contract?
Do you have a contract due for re tendering?
If so you may be eligible for financial support to help your organisation to prepare your submission.
Click here for more information

What are community shares? An animated guide
Community Shares refers to the sale of shares in enterprises serving a community purpose. This type of investment has been used to finance shops, pubs, community buildings, renewable energy initiatives, local food schemes, along with a host of other community based ventures.