Key Manchester strategies

These are the key Manchester strategy documents to be aware of. Other useful documents can be found under their subject headings.

General strategy

Our Manchester - The Manchester Strategy Following a consultation in 2015, the Our Manchester ten year strategy was launched. Tens of thousands responded to the consultation including residents, the general public, volunteers and business leaders. The strategy has five themes: a thriving and sustainable city, a highly skilled city, a progressive and equitable city, a liveable and low carbon city, and a connected city. There is also a vision of where Manchester will be in 2025. The strategy is for the whole of Manchester, overseen by a forum of Manchester leaders drawn from all the partners – public services, voluntary groups and communities working together for Manchester.
State of the city report 2019 This year’s state of the city report represents the third analysis of progress towards the vision and objectives outlined in the Our Manchester Strategy, focusing on the progress the city has made since the 2015 baseline. The introduction states that, "Significant progress has been made across the city since the launch of the Our Manchester Strategy. Our economy and population continues to grow and Manchester remains renowned both nationally and internationally as a vibrant, inclusive and outward-looking city. Despite this, the past year has seen a number of challenges to overcome to deliver the vision of the city by 2025. There are significant challenges relating to areas of deprivation, health outcomes for residents, and those living in poverty."
Homelessness Strategy 2013-18 This Manchester City Council strategy sets out a vision for reducing homelessness, five priority areas to support this and an action plan for how it will be delivered.
Manchester Homelessness Charter In 2015, people who were homeless in the city and organisations working to reduce homelessness were invited to share their experiences, key challenges and concerns. The Manchester Homelessness Charter was the outcome of all those events, workshops, focus groups and conferences, together with drawing on best practice nationally and internationally. Organisations and individuals can show support for the Charter by making a pledge to share skills and resources which will help tackle homelessness and by joining one of the action groups set up to tackle priority issues, such as mental health provision, employability and substandard accommodation.
Manchester City Council 2017-20 Budget Proposals The Manchester City Council 2017-20 budget proposals were published for a final consultation period which ran from 3 January to 10 February 2017. The budget will cover three years from 2017/18 to 2019/20. MCC considered all responses ahead of setting the final budget on 3 March 2017.
Our Manchester Disability Plan The Our Manchester Disability Plan, published by Manchester City Council, is Manchester’s pledge to support disabled people in Manchester to remove barriers so they can fully integrate into all the opportunities, facilities, activities and communities in the city. It will do this by challenging and changing existing attitudes, with the aim of reducing the inequalities disabled people face in Manchester today.
GM Police and Crime Plan

The GM Police and Crime Commissioner is responsible for the Police and Crime Plan, which takes account of emerging issues and challenges facing modern policing and sets out six priorities for policing - tackling crime and anti-social behaviour, putting victims at the centre, protecting vulnerable people, dealing with terrorism, serious organised crime and maintaining public safety, investing in and delivering high quality policing services, and building and strengthening partnerships. The plan reflects the views of local communities, local authorities and other agencies across Greater Manchester.