Macc to the future – presentations and pictures

On Thursday 20 September we held our Macc to the future event which offered participants the opportunity to find out more about us, meet the teams and to find out what we can offer to groups.

The day began with speeches from Councillor Sue Murphy, Deputy Leader of Manchester City Council and Lead Member for the Voluntary Sector, Debbie Dalby, Chair at Voluntary Sector North West (VNSW ), Alex Whinnom, Director at Greater Manchester Centre for Voluntary Organisation (GMCVO) and Mike Wild, Director at Macc.

Click here to view the presentations and speeches

After the speeches participants attended workshops which were delivered before and after the lunch break.

Click here to view the workshop presentations

After the workshops participants were able to browse the stalls which showcased the work by the team and gave a chance for participants to sign up to become a member.

The day ended with a Question and Answer session with Mike Wild, Director at Macc and Ashley Wood, a Macc Board Member where participants asked a variety of questions ranging from where Macc sees itself in the future and how commissioning will be delivered by Macc, etc.

On the day we provided information about the services that are available now, new and coming soon.

Click here for information about our services that are available now, new and coming soon

Mike Wild, Chief Executive commented in his blog ‘The event marked the start of a new era for us, not just with things like our new branding and publicity, our expanded websites and extra services, but a shift in the role Macc plays in the city, what we do and how we work.’ Click here to read Mike’s blog

We took pictures at the event, to see if we captured you on a picture why not take a look at our Flickr page

Participants were positive and commented on the interesting topics that the speakers delivered, that the speakers were clear and concise whilst being very honest as to the future of the voluntary sector given current funding issues. There were other comments around the breadth of support offered by Macc, Manchester Community Central and Volunteer Centre Manchester that they hadn't been aware of before the event, such as training, funding advice, policy and voice as well as help to find volunteers.

Community Reporters were filming throughout the day click here to take a look at our video