Manchester’s Voluntary Sector Assembly 11 June 2013

The June event focused on bringing together a diverse range of groups to:
• build connections across the sector
• discuss what pressures everyone is under
• share tips and advice on what groups can do at both a strategic and practical level
• get feedback on what additional support / resources groups would like from infrastructure
• try out a format for these events which enables people to take part in the sections which are most useful for them

The day included a mixture of presentations, workshops and networking

The Launch of State of the Sector – This is a report based on an extensive survey of the sector which demonstrates the true scale and contribution of the sector and provides a valuable resource for the sector as a whole and individual organisations. Find out more here:  

Understanding how the voluntary sector supports Manchester’s Economic Development – The Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES) have been commissioned by Macc to develop a framework which will focus on how the community and voluntary sector could contribute to a better economy in the city, where equality of opportunity, well-being and sustainability is perceived as key to economic prosperity.
Click here to read the briefing

The day included workshops on
• Transforming Local Infrastructure
• Funding opportunities
• Social value
• Community asset mapping
• Working with the private sector

Networking Opportunities
Voluntary Sector bingo

Chief Officers Meeting
The group came together to discuss whether they wanted to set up a Chief Officers Group. There was a strong feeling that this was a necessary and positive move in order to:
• provide a space to discuss issues of a common concern and take a critical view
• identify and take action on strategic issues of common concern to the voluntary and community sector in Manchester
• support networking and collaborative working within the voluntary and community sector
• improve communication both within the sector and with other sectors in Manchester
• improve our ability to work in partnership with the public and private sectors in Manchester and sub regionally
• provide a space for the exchange of information, learning and ideas
• provide peer support
• nurture leadership within the sector

Small Groups Forum
This was a chance for smaller groups to come together to discuss how what they had heard about and learnt today would affect them.
It was also an opportunity to ensure that the voice and perspective of smaller organisations is not lost when we work together as a sector.
The session looked at the strengths and weaknesses of smaller groups in Manchester, exploring their unique contribution and discussing how the VSA could support them in the future.
Click here to read the notes from the discussion