The 2016 Guardian Charity Awards seek to recognise and encourage UK charities that make an outstanding and valuable contribution to social welfare in the community.
The annual Guardian Charity Awards seek to recognise and encourage charities that are improving social wellbeing in its broadest sense by delivering clear benefit to people who are disadvantaged by poverty or disability or are marginalised in some other way. The awards offer support to the smaller charities that have the fresh thinking, flexibility and reach into communities that make the crucial difference to people's lives.
Entries should fulfil the following criteria:
• Innovative cause and/or practice
• Learning from other charities and building on their work
• Evidence of impact
• Potential of an award to boost sustainability and growth
• Overall contribution to social welfare
Eligible charities must have been registered in the United Kingdom for more than two years and have an annual income of between £5,000 and £1.5 million.
Winners each receive a £3,000 prize fund, an iPad mini, one year's free NCVO membership and a tailored package of support from the FSI, Media Trust and Bates Wells Braithwaite.
For further information and to apply, visit:
Deadline: Friday 19 August 2016