2019 GSK IMPACT Awards – Core funding and free training for health charities

GSK’s IMPACT Awards reward charities that are doing excellent work to improve people’s health. Organisations must be at least three years old, working in a health-related field in the UK, with income between £80,000 and £2.5 million. Up to 20 awards will be made ranging from £3,000 to £40,000 plus free training valued at up to £6,000. Organisations will also have a film made, receive help with press and publicity and be given a set of promotional materials. Glaxo Smith Kline

• Up to ten winners receive £30,000 plus the overall winner receives an extra £10,000
• Up to ten runners-up receive £3,000
• Award winners are offered free training and development valued at up to £6,000
• You do not need to present a new project, and you decide how to spend the award money

Free training
Award winners are offered two free places on the GSK IMPACT Awards Development Programme. They are also invited to join the GSK IMPACT Awards Network, which connects past GSK IMPACT Award winners, both online and at meetings held across the United Kingdom, allowing them to get and give support, share best practice and continue their professional development.

For further information and to apply, visit: www.kingsfund.org.uk/gskimpactawards, or email: [email protected]

Deadline: 20 September 2018