Advice Services Transition Fund

The Big Lottery Fund (BIG) has set up the Advice Services Transition Fund to enable local not-for-profit providers of advice services in England to continue to give vital help to people and communities.

BIG want to help the not-for-profit sector transform and adapt to a new funding environment by renewing its service models to reduce duplication, measure the difference services can make to people’s lives, and bring providers together to be more efficient and effective. In order to thrive and secure its future sustainability, the independent advice sector will also need to be more enterprising and business-minded.

Up to £65 million will be available to help partnerships of advice organisations to identify new ways of delivering and funding their services in the future. Funding is provided by BIG and the Cabinet Office.

Grants of between £50,000 and £350,000 will be available to partnerships of local not-for-profit advice providers who can come together in an area and demonstrate that they have compelling plans to improve services and make them more viable.

Partners should be organisations that provide free advice, help and support to people about their rights and responsibilities. Partnerships can include other not-for-profit organisations where you can show that they will strengthen your proposal. The range of advice providers within the partnership should reflect the full needs of the people and communities in your area. We expect this to include the provision of advice on welfare benefits, debt, housing and employment.

For further information and to apply, visit:, or contact 0845 4 10 20 30, or email: [email protected]

Deadline: Monday 28 January 2013