Age Friendly at Chorlton Arts Festival

Age Friendly Manchester’s Cultural Champions from South Manchester have come together with Chorlton Arts Festival (CAF) to create an Age Friendly CAF programme of events. All activity is open to anyone aged 50+.

Art in the Park – Mural workshop
Saturday 21 May 2016, 12noon-4 pm
Venue: Beech Road Park
Are you a budding artist? Or just fancy having a go?
Come along to the artist led workshop anytime for free.
Work with a local artist to create a mural for display in Beech Road Park. In partnership with Unity Arts and Friends of Beech Road Park.

Textiles and sewing drop-in
Monday 23 May 2016, 12.30pm-2.30pm
Venue: Hardy Lane Co-op
Do you already enjoy creating textile pieces?
Never tried tie-dying but fancy having a go?
Come along to the workshop and try your hand at a range of techniques anytime for free
In partnership with Chorlton Embroidery and textile group.

Spirit of ’45 Film showing
Wednesday 25 May 2016, 1.30pm-6pm
Venue: St Margaret’s Centre, Brantingham Rd, M21 0TT
Join for a Spirit of ’45 film show for free followed by food and debate.
The film showing will be for 90 minutes followed by a break for food (bring food of 45 to share) at 3pm and then a debate with a range of representatives to discuss the NHS from its inception to present day.

An afternoon/early evening of Poets and Players
Thursday 26 May 2016, 4pm-6pm
Venue: The Edge Arts Centre, Manchester Rd, M21 9JG
An open mic session for local poets and musicians
Come down and listen or take the mic yourself for free

Textiles and Sewing Drop-In
Friday 27 May 2016, 10.30am-12.30pm
Venue: Hardy Lane Co-op, 349 Barlow Moor Rd, M21 7QH Do you already enjoy creating textile pieces? Never tried tie-dying but fancy having a go? Come along to the workshop and try your hand. In partnership with Chorlton Embroidery and textile group

Hardy Artists exhibition at the Battery Park cafe
21-28 May 2016
Hardy Artists are a small group of local people who get together weekly for an art session in the meeting rooms above the Hardy Lane Co-op. Hardy Artists have been active there for nearly three years, and as part of the Chorlton Arts Festival, Battery Park will show some of the more recent work.

For further information contact 0777 617 0688, or email: [email protected], or follow @AFMCulture and @chorltonarts on twitter.
