Age Friendly Manchester list of support available to you

Age Friendly Manchester have complied a list of some local groups with details on what they are offering:

NEPHRA Good Neighbours
NEPHRA has closed down its centre and is moving to doing twice weekly meal deliveries to service users, which will include packs to help keep the mind active. For people who take part in NEPHRA's card making classes, they will receive crafting packs. For those people who attend the ipad class, these sessions will move to Facetime and group emails. Older service users will also get a regular contact via a twice-weekly telephone befriending call.
Contact: 0788 925 8685

Wai Yin Chinese Society
Wai Yin has stopped face to face working and have established positive ways to communicate with and support the older Chinese community, such as a befriending, telephone daily contact and emergency food parcels.
Contact: 0161 833 0377 or email: [email protected] 

North Manchester Black Health Forum (NMBHF)
NMBHF is continuing its support offer remotely, particularly for older and more vulnerable people who are facing additional barriers such as language barriers, those living alone or in supported accommodation.
Email: [email protected] 
Khizra Masjid
If you are in self isolation due to the Coronavirus and are over the age of 60 years, a single parent with children, frail, or vulnerable or in need of support due to other special circumstances, contact 0161 205 6662 or email: [email protected]  

Barlow Moor Community Association
Barlow Moor Community Association have put a comprehensive package of remote support in place which will develop over time, they can offer:
Telephone/online befriending and sign posting where required

  • Referrals to other organisations such as those helping with Emergency Food Packs, grass roots community/church groups
  • Online delivery of courses will continue with remote tutor support e.g. Digital Skills, Food Hygiene, Health and Safety, Allergy Awareness and Safeguarding etc.
  • They are registered with a linked Foodbank to issue Foodbank Vouchers Electronically.

Contact 0161 446 4805 or 0798 574 0669

Levenshulme Good Neighbours
In these troubled times Levenshulme Good Neighbours (LGN), is seeking to create the best-fit response to urgent and critical needs or concerns for over 55s in Levenshulme. LGN is looking to mobilise its 33 DBS cleared volunteers in the following areas:
Telephone befriending at least once a week with a DBS cleared local LGN volunteer

  • Mood, well-being feedback checks of your loved ones through week to week by our staff Service Coordinator
  • Written card messages to send to your loved ones or a neighbour you think may need it (thanks to and their kind donation of 100 cards to lift moods)
  • Potentially shopping drop offs by DBS cleared drivers

Levenshulme Good Neighbours is a constituted charity that tackles social isolation and loneliness all year round. Thus, it is important that if you feel your neighbour, friend, or relative requires telephone befriending that you use volunteers who are cleared by the state to do so. They are working with other organisations in the network and can sign post individuals where needed.
Contact: 0161 850 1066 or email: [email protected] 

Levenshulme Inspire
For telephone befriending support, food deliveries, books and DVD sharing and more contact Kate Williams, tel. 07952 178 459.
Inspire also continues to provide meals and food bags during COVID-19, offering five take-away meals for £10 to support the most vulnerable. Call the centre to find out more.

Whalley Rangers
Whalley Rangers and local councillors are working together with the local community to get some help for those who will need it most in Whalley Range (which includes parts of Moss Side). Residents are coming together to create neighbourhood mutual support groups for their street and immediate area. Whalley Rangers can help with shopping, dog walking, prescriptions, post office transactions or just someone to talk to. 
Contact Councillor Mary Watson 0161 8600 5523 or email: [email protected] / Councillor Angeliki Stogia 0790 152 8750 or email: [email protected] / Councillor Aftab Razaq 0779 956 0244

Burnage Good Neighbours
Burnage Good Neighbours have able bodied volunteers willing to do shopping for anyone over the age of 55 and living in Burnage (all DBS checked) also daily/weekly phone calls if required. Burnage Community Centre is closed to all daily groups/activities but BGN can be contacted on 0161 431 7220 or 0739 595 8649

Henshaws - Supporting People with Sight Loss
Henshaws is a charity supporting people living with sight loss. Their First Step team is available to talk to on 0300 222 5555 for any information, advice and guidance you may need. They can:
Provide information on services and support available within your local area

  • Book a telephone appointment for you to talk to a member of their digital team, so that you can discuss technology which could increase independence
  • provide telephone support from Patient Support Officers, who can help explain medical information and offer advice on relevant aids and equipment

The Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) helpline is also available to support you. They can give advice on 0303 123 9999.

Wythenshawe Good Neighbours
Covid-19 Services:

  • telephone befriending service
  • helping pharmacies to get medication and prescriptions to those who must stay at home
  • acting as a point of contact for any telephone advice, information or guidance around the Covid-19 measures and associated issues older people may face

Contact Marie 0787 528 6866 or email: [email protected] / Sam: 0781 696 0025 or email: [email protected]

LGBT Foundation
The LGBT Foundation's helpline has been a lifeline to hundreds of thousands of LGBT people over the last 45 years. If you are feeling worried, isolated or alone during this unsettling time, contact 0345 3 30 30 30. Visit their website for ongoing updates on access to LGBT Foundation's services and support. 

Manchester Cares
Manchester Cares has created a calendar of daily activities you can do throughout April. Tasks include:
Imagine you've been invited onto Desert Island Disks. What 5 songs represent important moments in your life? What would your luxury item be?

  • Sit in front of a mirror. Draw a self-portrait without the pen leaving the page
  • Write a letter to a friend you haven't spoken to in a whie. Share a favourite memory of the two of you together and a song that reminds you of them

Vegetarian For Life
Vegetarian for Life (V for Life) is an organisation giving diet and healthy living advice for older vegans and vegetarians.
There is a number of ways V for Life can support older vegetarians and vegans during this time:
A pen- and phone-pal scheme aiming to connect you with fellow vegetarians and vegans

  • Posting regular blog posts including a self isolation survival guide and advice on cooking with limited ingredients.
  • Sharing details of companies providing veggie/vegan friendly meal delivery services