This is your chance to be part of one of the most spectacular, ambitious and popular public art events Manchester has ever seen.
From July – September 2018 over eighty individually designed, super-sized Bee sculptures will form an art trail across the city’s streets, parks and public spaces – taking people on an unBeelievable journey of discovery. Just about everybody will want to be part of the buzz about Manchester!
Bee in the City is presented by Wild in Art with support from Manchester City Council, and Manchester’s business community is being invited to sponsor the event, individual sculptures and the learning, community and volunteer programmes.
To make this celebration of creativity fly the legendary verve, imagination and skills of Manchester’s artistic community is needed!
To find out more and download an Artists’ Submission Pack, visit: If you have any questions about the Artists’ submission process email: [email protected]
The deadline for all artist submissions: Monday 12 February 2018