Befriending Phone Line for Polish Over-50s

EuropiaEuropia have set up a befriending phone-line service for Polish people who are over-50 years old. Polish people will be able to ring 0161 826 3177 and have a chat with one of Europia’s Polish staff. This phone-line is for those who just want to talk to someone. Callers can discuss whatever they like. They can ask for advice about welfare or COVID-19, or they can just talk about how they are feeling. This service will be available from Monday 27 April 2020, 10am-2pm Monday to Thursday.

Europia are setting up a Facebook Group for Polish over-50s, where they can join and discuss things they want to raise (about COVID-19 and other things). Europia will also be setting up an online texting system whereby each week participants will receive texts from them in Polish with links to different resources depending on issues raised in the Facebook group. 

For more information click here or contact 0333 3058 570 or email: [email protected]