Bids invited for Manchester community grants scheme

Adactus Housing Association have announced the second round of their Neighbourhood Fund for Manchester.

There is £10,000 up for grabs across Manchester with a maximum of £1,000 available for each successful project.

The fund is open to individuals, residents groups, community groups, charitable organisations and social enterprises working in and around areas where Adactus have homes.

Projects seeking support from the fund should fall within one of Adactus’ neighbourhood priorities outlined below:
• Healthy living
• Environmental improvements
• Young people and children
• Older people
• Sustainability
• Employment and training
• Bringing the community together
• Community safety

Applications to the fund are judged by a group of local residents who consider each and every bid on its individual merits and have the final say in which projects are awarded funding through the scheme.

Laura Reynolds, Neighbourhood Development Officer at Adactus, said “We’re really proud of the positive impact that the neighbourhood fund has had in Manchester communities over the years. We urge anyone who has a good idea to get in touch as soon as possible.”

For further information and to apply, visit:, or contact 0300 111 1133, or email: [email protected]

Deadline: Friday 24 July 2015, 12noon