The Big Give Green Match Fund

The Big Give Green Match Fund is designed specifically for charities working on environmental issues. This is an opportunity to make an extraordinary difference to some of the biggest challenges fundingfacing our planet today. The campaign will run around World Earth Day, from 20-27 April. Last year the fund raised over £2.7m for 146 charities and the aim is for even higher to be raised this year.

Charity eligibility criteria:

  • Be a UK-registered charity with a Charity Commission number or tax-exempt status and an annual income of at least £25,000 (as per last filed accounts).
  • Charities that are working on environmental issues as part of their core mission. (By “core mission”, the fund means that the environment is mentioned in the organisation’s charitable objects). This may include: biodiversity and conservation; climate change; agriculture and food; sustainable communities; energy; transport; trade and finance; consumption and waste; toxics and pollution. Charities may be working in the UK or overseas.
  • Charities which are registered on (which is free to register).
  • Charities seeking to raise either £2,500, £5,000 or £10,000 in public donations (to be doubled by the match funds). Charities are able to use the campaign to raise unrestricted funds.

Sign up to The Big Give Green Match Fund

Deadline: 17 February 2023