The big idea - #MakeMCR

Many people have great ideas to make better places and spaces in Manchester but they don’t always know how to find the help and funding they need to get things done.

Equally, there are lots of businesses, organisations and people that want to offer practical support or make donations but they cannot always find the right projects.

Crowd funding can help make ideas happen. Basically, crowd funding is raising donations and support online, using a specialist web site.

#MakeMCR is a crowd funding initiative for and by Manchester. Macc is one of the partners involved in setting up #MakeMCR in partnership with crowd funding specialists Spacehive.

By using #MakeMCR for your crowd funding campaign you will reach a much larger crowd of potential funders; be connected with people that may be able to offer support; find out about funding opportunities.

#MakeMCR wants to make crowd funding easier and more successful in Manchester than anywhere else in the UK.

Want to run your fund raising campaign on #MakeMCR? Register here

Want to offer practical support to help projects get off the ground? Find out how

For further information, visit: