The Big Lottery currently offer an Awards for All England webinar, and an identifying need and an outcomes webinar for applicants that are thinking of applying to their Reaching Communities programme. The webinars are presented by friendly and informative Funding Officers from the Big Lottery fund.
The webinars will talk you through:
• Eligibility criteria and what the Big Lottery could help to pay for
• Examples of successful projects
• Hints and tips on how to put together your application including sources of evidence
• How to conquer those project outcomes
After attending a webinar you will hopefully be able to:
• Understand what the Big Lottery mean by need and how best to evidence it
• Better outline your projects objectives
• Know what difference you want your project to make.
• Have a greater knowledge of governance and best practice.
You can ask questions during the seminar through an interactive chat panel.
Webinars last approximately 30 minutes including time for questions and answers.
For further information and to register, visit:, or email: [email protected]