Imagine being in Manchester during the Industrial Revolution, telling the tale of what it was really like to live and work during that time of great change. Sadly there aren’t records from the streets from this time – but our world today, with the blurring of lines between the physical, digital, and biological, is just as exciting.
Manchester continues to be an important city globally, and in terms of technology is at the cusp of a great opportunity to make it a smarter, more innovative place to be. CityVerve need people who are in the middle of things to tell that story.
CityVerve has begun the search to recruit six ‘citizen journalists’ to act as roving reporters for CityVerve, the UK’s smart city demonstrator.
The citizen journalists will be the eyes and ears on the ground, reporting on how the CityVerve project is shaping up and the impact it’s having on the lives of people who live and do business in the city.
CityVerve wants people from all walks of life – it doesn’t matter if you’re a geek or a technophobe. What CityVerve need is people who love the city and are curious about how technology could make a difference to people’s lives.
The programme runs for the rest of the year and you’ll be asked to write around 3 pieces of content. Or you can submit video stories, if you prefer.
In return, you’ll receive £150 in vouchers or a donation to the charity of your choice for each story. If assignments involve travel outside of Manchester, CityVerve will pay your train fares, hotel and a contribution to meal costs.
On top of that, monthly briefings with Nick Chrissos, Project Delivery Director, will give you the inside track on all things CityVerve. You’ll have the chance to really help shape the direction of the CityVerve project and build your profile in Manchester and the wider technology community.
To apply, email: [email protected] and answer the question: What technology would you most like to see deployed in Manchester? in 400 words or less.
If you have examples of previous published work, such as articles, videos or blog posts, include links to these.
For further information, visit:
Deadline: Monday 20 March 2017