Call for proposals to European Regional Development Fund Priority Axis: 3) Enhancing the Competitiveness of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

The call focuses on engaging and mentoring individuals and communities to strengthen entrepreneurial and enterprise culture. Also, bidders will be supporting start-ups and new businesses to improve business survival and help them grow to continue to be a major force in the Greater Manchester economy. European Regional Development Fund

On behalf of the national Growth Programme Board, the Department for Communities and Local Government (the Managing Authority) invites applications seeking European Regional Development Fund support under: Priority Axis 3 Enhancing the Competitiveness of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

Investment Priorities: 3a Promoting entrepreneurship, in particular by facilitating the economic exploitation of new ideas and fostering the creation of new firms, including through business incubators.

The European Regional Development Fund Operational Programme for England 2014 to 2020 sets out how the European Regional Development Fund will focus on investment to support economic growth and job creation. Priority Axis 3 of the Operational Programme aims to enhance the competitiveness of small and medium sized enterprises.

Any application for funding will be required to clearly demonstrate that it meets the requirement of, and makes a meaningful contribution to, the delivery of the relevant Priority Axis of the European Regional Development Fund Operational Programme.

In addition, applications will be expected to meet identified local development needs, as expressed in the scope of this call and as set out in the Local Enterprise Partnership area European Structural and Investment Funds Strategy.

Applicants are advised to familiarise themselves with the detail of the Operational Programme, local European Structural and Investment Funds Strategy and the relevant documentation listed in sections 5 through to 8 prior to submitting an Outline Application.

Government is working with Local Enterprise Partnership (LEPs) across England to establish a network of private sector-led Growth Hubs connecting businesses to the right support including access to local and Government funded support services. Applicants under this call will need to demonstrate how activity and delivery will be co-ordinated and made accessible through the Growth Hub in the LEP area covered by this call. Applicants will also need to demonstrate how they will work locally with their Growth Hub and all business support provision provided by local public and private sector partners and not duplicate any existing services, including that provided by the Growth Hub. Where relevant, further detail on Growth Hubs is set out below and in the Annex at the end.

Export advice is provided by UK Trade & Investment through contracts for International Trade Services and UK Export Finance. The Greater London Authority work with a number of additional organisations providing export advice. Contact the Greater London Authority for further details.

LEP Area Funding Available: £1,500,000

Duration of project activity: Activity is expected to last for a maximum of 3 years. Project Activity is to be completed by 31 December 2018 with financial completion by 30 March 2019.

Who can apply:
To apply for European Regional Development Fund, applicants must be a legally constituted body, and not an individual or sole trader. Depending on the nature of the call, applicant organisations can be from the public or private sector. They will deliver projects using European Regional Development Fund investment to work with existing businesses or potential entrepreneurs to promote economic growth. Potential applicant organisations include, but are not limited to:
• Local Authorities
• Statutory and non-statutory public funded organisations/bodies
• Higher and Further Education Institutions
• Voluntary/community organisations
• Private sector companies
• Registered charities
• Nor for Profit organisations

Call Closes: 17 February 2017

For further information and to apply see the attached specification.