Manchester City Council is seeking three VCS representatives to represent the interests of domestic abuse victims, the interests of children of domestic abuse victims and the interests of charities and voluntary groups that work with victims of domestic abuse. The recruitment and selection process is being carried out by Macc.
The role of the representatives is:
- To be creative and collaborative in overseeing the implementation of the domestic violence and abuse strategy
- To question and challenge
- To champion the views and involvement of people with lived experience
- To share data and feedback from their own organisation
- To contribute their expertise and knowledge
- To gather and share the views of the wider voluntary and community sector
- To review monitoring and evaluation data
Recruitment process
Please email [email protected] with brief answers to the following 3 questions by 12 July 2021:
- What is your background in and knowledge of DV&A (essential)?
- How are you connected and networked with other VCSE organisations working in this field (essential)?
- What is your experience in being a representative on boards (not essential as long as at least 2 of the reps have some experience of working on boards)?
The decision about who the representatives are will be based on this information.
Further information about the board
The aim of the Domestic Abuse Partnership Board is to improve outcomes for victims of domestic abuse and their children.
The Domestic Abuse Partnership Board is responsible for supporting the Council in meeting its duty under Part 4 of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021. The Board will work together to support, advise and work in partnership to ensure that victims of domestic abuse have access to adequate and appropriate support within safe accommodation.
The Board will oversee the development and delivery of the Domestic Violence and Abuse Strategy for Manchester, including the work of the Domestic Violence and Abuse Forum.
The Board will begin with joint planning of its operation and terms of reference and how to make it effective. There will be regular reviews of its effectiveness.
Between meetings
Administrative support will be provided to support representatives to gather the views of the broader VCS sector.
Meetings will take place quarterly
All papers and other information provided to the Board will be shareable with the wider VCS sector unless marked confidential.
Data sharing
There is no expectation the VCS representatives will have to share information confidential to their organisation.